Erik Amézquita

PFFIE Postdoctoral Fellow

Plant Science and Mathematics @ University of Missouri


Picture credits: Víctor Amaya


I am a PFFIE Postdoctoral Fellow mainly based at the Division of Plant Science and Technology of the University of Missouri—Columbia (aka Mizzou). I also have a dual appointment at the Mizzou's Department of Mathematics. I am mainly interested in understanding and modeling plant morphology using topological data analysis (TDA). I am also interested in morphometrics, developmental plant biology, basic image processing, directional statistics, and data science for social justice. I go by he/él pronouns.

I got my PhD from the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE) at Michigan State University. I worked under the guidance of Dan Chitwood and Liz Munch. Before that, I got my math degree from the Universidad de Guanajuato with extensive support from the Mathematics Research Center (CIMAT). During my undegraduate degree, I tried to quantify the morphology of pre-Columbian masks with TDA, and how this might reveal their culture of origin. This archaeological project constituted my bachelor thesis under the guidance of Antonio Rieser.

Research interests: Topological Data Analysis (TDA), Euler Characteristic Transform, X-ray CT scans, image processing, plant morphology, data science for social justice.


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    1201 Rollins Street
    371h Bond Life Sciences Center
    Columbia, MO 65211

“Otra cosa fueron tus padres que sí se rompieron sobre la tierra para que vos pudieras irte. Y te fuiste. Pero ya no volviste, te quedaste perdido en otra parte. Porque quien volvió fue tu sombra y cuando tu sombra entró a tu casa se encontró con que tu padre ya no estaba. Tu buey. Cierto que te fuiste al cementerio a ver donde lo habían enterrado y le llevaste alguna su flor y alguna su lágrima. Pero por compromiso. Porque pensaste que quien estaba abajo mirándote era el esqueleto de alguien que por casualidad te había hecho y que por casualidad te había heredado su apellido. Pensaste, te pensaste internacional y que bien pudiste haber nacido en otra parte de otro padre y no de éste que te había heredado la tierra de que vivís. Qué te importaba que se hubiera ido la mitá de un mundo que siempre te había sido extraño. Te quedaba la otra mitá. Y muerta ésta, sólo vos navegando sobre la aldea como un globo que nunca puede tocar tierra. ”

Luis de Lion, from El tiempo principia en Xibalbá

“The men here tonight are workers. For many years when I have heard nice people try to be respectful about describing undocumented people, I’ve heard them call us “undocumented workers” as a euphemism, as if there was something uncouth about being just an undocumented person standing with your hands clasped together or at your sides. I almost wish they’d called us something rude like “crazy fuckin’ Mexicans” because that’s acknowledging something about us beyond our usefulness—we’re crazy, we’re Mexican, we’re clearly unwanted!—but to describe all of us, men, women, children, locally Instagram-famous teens, queer puppeteers, all of us, as workers in order to make us palatable, my god. We were brown bodies made to labor, faces pixelated.” Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, from The undocumented Americans

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    X-Ray CT scan of a barley panicle