Using topology to analyze the shape of barley

Preprint [QR below]

Barley Experimental Design

  • 28 founders (land races). 58 generations.

Image processing to measure seeds

  • 3D X-ray CT scan data: 875 barley spikes.
  • 38,000 seeds: generations F0, F18, and F58.
  • Distribution of length, height, width, volume, etc.

SVM Classification Results

Shape descriptors # descr F1 Score
Traditional 11 0.55 ± 0.019
Topological (ECT + KPCA) 12 0.50 ± 0.020
Combined (Trad + Topo) 23 0.71 ± 0.018
  • SVM to classify 3,000 seeds from the 28 founders
  • (80% training vs 20% testing) \(\times\) 50 times
  • 71% classification accuracy

Euler characteristic transform (ECT)

\[\chi = \#(\text{Vertices}) - \#(\text{Edges}) + \#(\text{Faces})\]

  • ECT is the record of how the EC changes as we reconstruct a given object in all possible directions.
  • The ECT summarizes all shape information [1].

Semi-supervised learning

  • Train with 100% of the founder seeds
  • Classify 6000 unlabeled seeds from F58
  • Three morphologies are enriched through time.
  • Similar conclusion with genomic analysis!


This work is supported in part by Michigan State University and the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program (DGE-1828149).


[1] K. Turner, S. Mukherjee, and D. M. Boyer, “Persistent homology transform for modeling shapes and surfaces,” Information and Inference, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 310–344, Dec. 2014.